When I am quiet, poems find me. My hope in sharing my writing is that a quiet moment will find you when you read my work. I believe these poems and these moments have the power to change us if we are open to them. Being open to a poem means I am open to the small miracles of everyday life, and my job as a poet is to combine words in a fresh way that illuminates those small miracles so you can see them too.
Annie Powell Stone (she/her) likes sad songs and funny movies. Her poetry has been nominated for
The Pushcart Prize and
Best of the Net; her work has appeared in numerous literary journals. Annie has a Master's in Education from the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor's in English from the University of Maryland. She lives on the ancestral land of the Piscataway and Susquehannock people with her husband and two kiddos in Baltimore City, MD.